The story of my battle with snare drum addiction.

Sunday 30 August 2009

Noble & Cooley Alloy Classic 14x4 3/4

I've just read this drum was designed off the back of the N&C/Zildjian drums which I didn't know. Doesn't surprise me really.

This is a top drum even though I don't play it too often.

It's loud, it's black and plays very nicely and it came , for some reason, with an Attack Terry Bozzio snare head.

Sometimes in my world my mobile rings and it's someone offering me a snare drum. This may seem a bit strange to some people, but it seems to happen at least once a year to me. It's happened at least once this year so far. I have said to others that once people get to know you collect drums, then drums will find you and this is what happened here.

I got a call in 2004 from a friend of mine the very same afternoon I had gone to the import warehouse to pick up Mink, my chrome on black Dunnett. In fact, the Dunnett was sitting on the table behind me when I took the call. Apparently, one of the guys who worked for Yamaha had it, and needed to sell it on and I was given first refusual. I picked it up a little while later.

It's a cool drum and I love the black on black look. Rather unoriginally, I refer to it as The Stealth Drum.

About Me

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Ruislip, London, United Kingdom
I collect snare drums. I think I also have a problem...