The story of my battle with snare drum addiction.

Saturday 22 August 2009

Craviotto Bubinga Snares

These are two rare drums because they are, to my knowledge, the only two in existence. They're both 14x6.5 bubinga drums and I got them in 2008 either from or through Steve Maxwell in Chicago.

The drum on the left was made around 1999 for Johnny Craviotto's business partner. It has brass hardware and an unlaquered shell and very much gives the impression of being a one-off/prototype. I got it directly from Steve after seeing the other drum being advertised for sale and missing out on it.

The second drum was the centre piece of the Craviotto winter NAMM show in 2008 and can be seen under the sign. This drum's shell has been laquered and has 24k gold hardware with engraved hoops; the wood is also a bit brighter than the other drum.

I got this drum after I saw it on Ebay and contacted Steve Maxwell as he originally had it for sale. I told Steve that if it happened to come back his way I'd make him an offer on it. It turns out that the person who was selling it was a good client of Steve's who had bought some other drums and needed to flip this one. Steve put me in touch with the seller and we worked out a deal we were both happy with.

Try running a search on Craviotto Bubinga snare drums, you won't find anything.

More photos here of both drums and separately.

About Me

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Ruislip, London, United Kingdom
I collect snare drums. I think I also have a problem...