The story of my battle with snare drum addiction.

Sunday 23 August 2009

Drum Workshop Limited Edition Titanium

This is a 14x6.5 Titanium drum which was made by Ronn Dunnett for DW. The drum is #36 which is [apparently] the first one that didn't have an internal Dunnett badge included and I got it a few years back from Wembley Drum Centre which is virtually next to the stadium. WDC also had #38 which went to a young man in Perth a while back (Alright Dave!) The number is located under one of the DW badges.

The drum has one-piece mini turret lugs, die cast hoops, a Hypervent and Dunnett strainer and a thicker shell than a standard Dunnett Ti. It's rather loud, but is sensitive too. I kind of see it as a general purpose/rock drum more than anything else.

I got this as part of a deal with WDC which was this drum and the Paua Blackheart for a lot less than the single prices. That was in the days WDC used to have some interesting drums in stock.

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About Me

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Ruislip, London, United Kingdom
I collect snare drums. I think I also have a problem...