The story of my battle with snare drum addiction.

Friday 4 September 2009

Pearl Soprano

Here is one of the first Pearl drums I bought, or it may be the first, I can't quite remember. Either way, it's a 12x7 Soprano in amber.

It's an earlier model and I recall buying it from Wembley Drum Centre in the mid 90s because Dennis Chambers played one. I can't play like Dennis Chambers and I don't really listen to him either, so how I ended up hearing him even play I don't know. It was also about this time I was into Dave Abbruzzese from Pearl Jam and he had a Brady 12x7 which I really dug the sound of. I couldn't afford a Brady at that point, so I got this instead and used it as my main snare around 1995/96.

It didn't sound like Dave's drum, but this is the drum that started me off on smaller snares and although I don't play it too often theses days - I actually thought I'd lost it at one point recently - it still sounds wicked when I do.

About Me

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Ruislip, London, United Kingdom
I collect snare drums. I think I also have a problem...